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Country Calling Codes Caller Comments: 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000
easy to use
N.T. Allison, United States. This entry was recorded on Friday, 30 November 2001 at 16:29. |
ak, jordan. This entry was recorded on Friday, 30 November 2001 at 16:10. |
well this web page is a really good one becuase is a big help for everybody good on you mate
Oscar, Australia. This entry was recorded on Friday, 30 November 2001 at 12:39. |
great website..with real practical help for travellers like myself..keep it up
web, lebanon. This entry was recorded on Friday, 30 November 2001 at 07:55. |
Mobile Alabama is now area code 251
Ronnie, USA. This entry was recorded on Friday, 30 November 2001 at 07:38. |
very fantastic
Junaidah, Penang,Malaysia. This entry was recorded on Friday, 30 November 2001 at 00:16. |
Just helped me out!
Sherry, China. This entry was recorded on Thursday, 29 November 2001 at 20:04. |
Jonathan, UK. This entry was recorded on Thursday, 29 November 2001 at 11:50. |
zuppinger, berlino. This entry was recorded on Thursday, 29 November 2001 at 01:05. |
Cool Man , but how do u send mail to your cell ? you have not told us how to do it.
Salil, India. This entry was recorded on Wednesday, 28 November 2001 at 19:44. |
rameez, pakistan. This entry was recorded on Wednesday, 28 November 2001 at 18:11. |
Very easy to use, thanks!
Allan , USA. This entry was recorded on Wednesday, 28 November 2001 at 17:25. |
Very easy to use, thanks!
Allan , USA. This entry was recorded on Wednesday, 28 November 2001 at 17:25. |
A great Web Site
Mark Apodaca, United States. This entry was recorded on Wednesday, 28 November 2001 at 15:28. |
Execellent site - found what I was looking for straight away, have saved your site in my favorites
Yvonne Sheccoury, Israel. This entry was recorded on Wednesday, 28 November 2001 at 14:08. |
The easiest way to get useful information.
Mairead Mc Laughlin, Ireland. This entry was recorded on Wednesday, 28 November 2001 at 03:25. |
Thank you.
Carole Bressman, United States. This entry was recorded on Wednesday, 28 November 2001 at 00:57. |
Attn. Verney Vasquez: Our Mexico City dealer advised we must insert area code 55 between the country code and city code. Not sure of other area codes
Jon, USA. This entry was recorded on Wednesday, 28 November 2001 at 00:01. |
The area codes in Mexico had been changed and I don't know how to dial. I was hoping you would have updated your site....
Verney Vasquez, USA. This entry was recorded on Tuesday, 27 November 2001 at 21:58. |
You just help in getting my husband in contact with a employment opportunities.
Mavani Thornhill, USA. This entry was recorded on Tuesday, 27 November 2001 at 17:04. |
Nice service!
Ray Wood, USA. This entry was recorded on Sunday, 25 November 2001 at 16:27. |
very good
Leonardo Jusuf, Indonesia. This entry was recorded on Sunday, 25 November 2001 at 07:22. |
it was great i found what i needed in less then 5 seconds and that is no lie i will tell all my friends about you
barbara taylor, england . This entry was recorded on Saturday, 24 November 2001 at 20:13. |
Kelly Bullock, USA. This entry was recorded on Saturday, 24 November 2001 at 16:30. |
why did I not find this web ages ago - great info. thanks
Cathleen , South Africa. This entry was recorded on Saturday, 24 November 2001 at 03:42. |
MARIA ESTRADA , UNITED STATES . This entry was recorded on Saturday, 24 November 2001 at 01:26. |
xyz, usa. This entry was recorded on Saturday, 24 November 2001 at 00:19. |
Didi madloba(merci, thanks, gracias, spasibo)
Inga Meladze, Georgia. This entry was recorded on Friday, 23 November 2001 at 18:34. |
Absolutely fantastic ! Thank you very much.
K George Jacob, India. This entry was recorded on Friday, 23 November 2001 at 13:07. |
Thanks very much:-)
Aziz, Tajikistan. This entry was recorded on Thursday, 22 November 2001 at 14:56. |
Very Useful. Cool site.
Sunayana, India. This entry was recorded on Thursday, 22 November 2001 at 09:40. |
Simple, easy, and it works
Guy, USA. This entry was recorded on Thursday, 22 November 2001 at 06:42. |
You need to change the codes for dialing to Mexico, THEY HAVE CHANGED
tirso Dominguez, USA. This entry was recorded on Thursday, 22 November 2001 at 06:05. |
thanks alot
Jamil, afghanistan. This entry was recorded on Wednesday, 21 November 2001 at 04:30. |
A Very Outstanding and Useful Site
Charles Priester, United States. This entry was recorded on Wednesday, 21 November 2001 at 01:02. |
NAOMI D., USA. This entry was recorded on Tuesday, 20 November 2001 at 22:05. |
Your area codes are outdated, specifically for Michigan. Detorit/Ann Arbor is no longer 313
L. Roy, United States. This entry was recorded on Tuesday, 20 November 2001 at 20:49. |
Please note, that when dialing Moscow, you need to add a "0" between the "7" and the "95". Your instructions don't say this.
Tom, USA. This entry was recorded on Tuesday, 20 November 2001 at 17:13. |
The codes in spain lack the number 9 after the country code: Barcelona 00+34+93 not only 3
Jorge Nunez, Begium. This entry was recorded on Tuesday, 20 November 2001 at 09:05. |
The codes in spain lack the number 9 after the country code: Barcelona 0034+93
Jorge Nunez, Begium. This entry was recorded on Tuesday, 20 November 2001 at 09:05. |
Good Job and very helpful
Duly Oxceva, Harrisburg, PA. ( USA). This entry was recorded on Tuesday, 20 November 2001 at 07:54. |
Tres bien( very good and helpful)
Duly Oxceva, Harrisburg, PA. ( U-S-A). This entry was recorded on Tuesday, 20 November 2001 at 07:46. |
Tres bien( very good and helpful)
Duly, Oxceva. This entry was recorded on Tuesday, 20 November 2001 at 07:41. |
Geat Tool
Jeff Walkowiak, USA. This entry was recorded on Monday, 19 November 2001 at 19:34. |
Thanks a bunch! You're a lifesaver.
Samantha, Antigua & Barbuda. This entry was recorded on Sunday, 18 November 2001 at 18:21. |
Usuful and simple webpage! GReat!
NiiNa, Finland. This entry was recorded on Friday, 16 November 2001 at 19:36. |
Super Useful Thanks
Manny Gostin, USA. This entry was recorded on Thursday, 15 November 2001 at 22:12. |
To call from Finland to other countries, there is also 999 and several other operator codes
Jani Mäkinen, Finland. This entry was recorded on Thursday, 15 November 2001 at 12:11. |
thank you, and keep up the good work!
Alicia, Olohan. This entry was recorded on Wednesday, 14 November 2001 at 22:42. |
travis, ub. This entry was recorded on Wednesday, 14 November 2001 at 14:35. |
Service needs to update city codes for Venezuela
Ramiro Rodriguez, USA. This entry was recorded on Tuesday, 13 November 2001 at 14:11. |
please update
idt, most. This entry was recorded on Monday, 12 November 2001 at 15:56. |
very helpful thanks
Tina Clifford, England. This entry was recorded on Monday, 12 November 2001 at 15:27. |
Very handy indeedy
Lulu, Korea. This entry was recorded on Saturday, 10 November 2001 at 14:16. |
a VERY good site.. Helped me find alot of country codes that i really thanks for a good site!
christell, sweden. This entry was recorded on Saturday, 10 November 2001 at 07:21. |
Thank you for your information.
Linda Rodriguez, USA. This entry was recorded on Friday, 9 November 2001 at 22:38. |
This website is very helpful. Thank you.
Dawn, United States. This entry was recorded on Friday, 9 November 2001 at 20:08. |
RASADARI SENANAYAKE, SRI LANKA. This entry was recorded on Friday, 9 November 2001 at 06:03. |
Very useful, thank you
Brian, USA. This entry was recorded on Friday, 9 November 2001 at 01:54. |
I understand Mexico has changed their city dialing codes...has this been noted in your dialing database yet?
George House, USA. This entry was recorded on Thursday, 8 November 2001 at 21:18. |
Nigeria has 36 states and the Federal Capital Territory-Abuja. Please can you list all the state codes. e.g. Ondo State is (034), Lagos is (01). Thx.
Henry Owosela, Nigeria. This entry was recorded on Thursday, 8 November 2001 at 15:08. |
Fantastic program , easy to use
Gary Baumann, Sicily. This entry was recorded on Thursday, 8 November 2001 at 13:08. |
brilliant! innovative and useful...
pete reese, uk. This entry was recorded on Thursday, 8 November 2001 at 07:12. |
I think that it's a very good web site, a very usefull one
ludo, France. This entry was recorded on Wednesday, 7 November 2001 at 20:44. |
Canada, North Alberta is now 780, while South Alberta is still 403
Diana, Canada. This entry was recorded on Wednesday, 7 November 2001 at 00:49. |
Very helpful system
Michael J. Sullivan, United Kingdom. This entry was recorded on Tuesday, 6 November 2001 at 17:15. |
Thank you so very much, You just made life better!!
billywilson2001, Saudi Arabia. This entry was recorded on Tuesday, 6 November 2001 at 14:52. |
Very easy and useful.
Sandip Srivastava, USA. This entry was recorded on Monday, 5 November 2001 at 23:15. |
Don't see you e-mail address. I have the phone number of someone but I want to see what country this country code is. Can you help me? 760-727-3775
Toni MacKenzie, USA. This entry was recorded on Monday, 5 November 2001 at 21:49. |
Great website! Visit mine to!
Annelie Mohlin, Norway. This entry was recorded on Monday, 5 November 2001 at 17:22. |
j.e. simmons, usa. This entry was recorded on Monday, 5 November 2001 at 03:03. |
j.e. simmons, usa. This entry was recorded on Monday, 5 November 2001 at 02:59. |
i have no idea the calling code still, scotland. This entry was recorded on Sunday, 4 November 2001 at 21:36. |
Easy site to view and read--thank you.
Carol Nawracaj, USA Chicago. This entry was recorded on Friday, 2 November 2001 at 15:46. |
Very useful. Well done.
Benny Lal, USA (GPA). This entry was recorded on Friday, 2 November 2001 at 00:29. |
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