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Country Calling Codes Caller Comments: 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000
Great site I have found this very handy.
Autumn L., USA. This entry was recorded on Thursday, 30 May 2002 at 19:16. |
Thank you for providing this service... you have saved me so much time and effort.
Vincent, USA. This entry was recorded on Thursday, 30 May 2002 at 14:16. |
Thanks for your help. Its a great site, keep up the good work!!
James Mc Auley, Ireland. This entry was recorded on Wednesday, 29 May 2002 at 17:23. |
Ebintu birungi Muno
Emmanuel Kahigwa, Tanzania. This entry was recorded on Wednesday, 29 May 2002 at 14:27. |
Terrific Site
Nicole Weber, United States. This entry was recorded on Wednesday, 29 May 2002 at 13:02. |
great site, very simple to find international codes. thanks
Sandra, USA. This entry was recorded on Wednesday, 29 May 2002 at 12:50. |
When getting codes for UK to USA, for state of Utah it said all of state uses 801 area code, the 435 code was added a number of years ago.
Larry Barney, USA. This entry was recorded on Tuesday, 28 May 2002 at 21:43. |
esto es lo mejor,the best
Alan, usa,colombia, holland. This entry was recorded on Tuesday, 28 May 2002 at 18:40. |
all right
Usman Talat, pakistan. This entry was recorded on Tuesday, 28 May 2002 at 16:23. |
Very helpful site.
William F. Madison, USA. This entry was recorded on Tuesday, 28 May 2002 at 13:58. |
Luis Huerga, Spain - UE. This entry was recorded on Monday, 27 May 2002 at 23:02. |
Great Site, Extremely User Friendly
Anju Changrani, Australia. This entry was recorded on Monday, 27 May 2002 at 09:17. |
Bush! Go home and swig your oil!
BushGoHome, Europe. This entry was recorded on Monday, 27 May 2002 at 08:50. |
Fast, easy and very helpful
Jay S. Catena, NJ, United States. This entry was recorded on Sunday, 26 May 2002 at 13:23. |
very good source of information.... area codes for the united states needs to be updated though
damian boros, usa. This entry was recorded on Sunday, 26 May 2002 at 02:11. |
i'm a travel agent and this site really helps!
nico, usa. This entry was recorded on Saturday, 25 May 2002 at 16:33. |
jeremiah rugimbana, Tanzania. This entry was recorded on Friday, 24 May 2002 at 18:37. |
This website has helped me quite a bit in doing my International Business.
Danny Betancourt, Germany. This entry was recorded on Friday, 24 May 2002 at 13:07. |
great site very useful
edward baker, canada. This entry was recorded on Friday, 24 May 2002 at 12:51. |
Would it be better if you enlarged your Codes for Mobile Networks and sign them in PLMN and PSTN ?
Christian Noack, Germany. This entry was recorded on Friday, 24 May 2002 at 08:32. |
Please change Mexico codes
Inter-American Development Bank, Washington, DC USA. This entry was recorded on Thursday, 23 May 2002 at 16:00. |
very easy and convenient
Nelia, Norway. This entry was recorded on Thursday, 23 May 2002 at 10:30. |
I love your site and use it all the time. It really is the best calling code resource on the internet; I've shared it with many colleagues at work.
Melissa Nix, U.S.A. This entry was recorded on Wednesday, 22 May 2002 at 15:05. |
very convenient
Sandra, usa. This entry was recorded on Tuesday, 21 May 2002 at 15:44. |
these service is very useful for me at my job, thanks
carla angelini, argentina. This entry was recorded on Tuesday, 21 May 2002 at 13:12. |
Lori Bartlett, US. This entry was recorded on Sunday, 19 May 2002 at 15:45. |
Tasab187, Pakistan. This entry was recorded on Saturday, 18 May 2002 at 12:48. |
Tasab187, United Kingdom. This entry was recorded on Saturday, 18 May 2002 at 12:47. |
Tasab187, United Kingdom. This entry was recorded on Saturday, 18 May 2002 at 12:45. |
Mississippi has new area codes 662 for north of jackson, 601 for jackson to hattiesburg and south of hattiesburg [coastal] is 228
John Sawyer, US. This entry was recorded on Saturday, 18 May 2002 at 03:35. |
Great site! Why not connect my call too?
Mike, USA!!!. This entry was recorded on Friday, 17 May 2002 at 23:20. |
Great Resource!
Carol A. King, USA. This entry was recorded on Friday, 17 May 2002 at 22:17. |
cool site.....thanks
Joy, USA. This entry was recorded on Thursday, 16 May 2002 at 20:26. |
Great Job
Bonnie , Canada . This entry was recorded on Thursday, 16 May 2002 at 16:13. |
thank u, without u i couldn't talk 2 my girlfriend
Mohammed AlSenny, Saudi Arabia. This entry was recorded on Wednesday, 15 May 2002 at 21:07. |
Lelf saver, Thanks.
Stuart Hatton, England. This entry was recorded on Wednesday, 15 May 2002 at 00:41. |
Stockholm personal phone
mostafa ebadi, sweden. This entry was recorded on Wednesday, 15 May 2002 at 00:25. |
Very User Friendly! just right on your "computer tips". Great WEBSITE, Cheers!
Christopher Davis Peig, Manila, Philippines / Seattle, WA. USA. This entry was recorded on Tuesday, 14 May 2002 at 22:38. |
Thanks a lot, it's not easy talking to an operator that doesn't speak English!!
Jason Everett, South Korea. This entry was recorded on Monday, 13 May 2002 at 14:03. |
This site is very helpful in finding the country codes..
Stevon Gilbert, Unites States. This entry was recorded on Monday, 13 May 2002 at 13:43. |
The dialing code for Ljubljana Slovenia is +386 1 then the number
Gary Jones, UK. This entry was recorded on Monday, 13 May 2002 at 13:22. |
Bloody good tool for my site
Brigadear, UK. This entry was recorded on Sunday, 12 May 2002 at 08:40. |
Very helpful site: just what I was looking for - easy to access, accurate information without excess advertising. Good layout: well done and thanks!
Natalie Taylor, Australia. This entry was recorded on Saturday, 11 May 2002 at 17:35. |
its very help full site i like it vary much if you have any computer job then mail me on this email address (
Muhammad Amir, paksitan. This entry was recorded on Saturday, 11 May 2002 at 14:42. |
calling code for sarajevo in bosnia and herzegovina is 033
mila jovovic, bosnia and herzegovina. This entry was recorded on Saturday, 11 May 2002 at 08:14. |
Thank you very much. I really need this stuff often.
Valyo Gennoff, Bulgaria. This entry was recorded on Friday, 10 May 2002 at 20:38. |
Great site! However, your South Africa codes are out of date
Paul Phillips, South Africa. This entry was recorded on Friday, 10 May 2002 at 12:47. |
Great site! However, you South Africa codes are out of date
Paul Phillips, South Africa. This entry was recorded on Friday, 10 May 2002 at 12:46. |
A lifesaver! Even my own operator wouldn't tell me how to dial America so I would have been stuck
Inge Jones, UK. This entry was recorded on Friday, 10 May 2002 at 11:04. |
Easy to find country codes, Thanks
Frank Menzies, Australia. This entry was recorded on Friday, 10 May 2002 at 09:25. |
Great site! About time there's a useful web site
Jean Candor, USA. This entry was recorded on Friday, 10 May 2002 at 06:32. |
Very Useful and Good Site...
Dilip, Australia. This entry was recorded on Friday, 10 May 2002 at 04:21. |
Great Site. Thanks!
Dave Richkas, US. This entry was recorded on Friday, 10 May 2002 at 02:59. |
Brilliant! This site comes in very handy!
Marc Greene, UK. This entry was recorded on Friday, 10 May 2002 at 01:04. |
Very handy, thanks.
Ewan Cameron, Canada. This entry was recorded on Wednesday, 8 May 2002 at 21:41. |
Neat! How about adding a time zone map?
Winston Weinmann, USA. This entry was recorded on Wednesday, 8 May 2002 at 17:16. |
What does the "99~00" for slovenia mean? And does "00,012,013" for Israel mean we can use any of those 3 numbers to place international calls from Isr
Vathana ( Please answer me, US. This entry was recorded on Wednesday, 8 May 2002 at 16:26. |
ndaru, indonesia. This entry was recorded on Tuesday, 7 May 2002 at 18:16. |
thanx 4 d search
Andy Valdepena, Philippines. This entry was recorded on Tuesday, 7 May 2002 at 02:16. |
Please update your codes
Beatriz, Canada. This entry was recorded on Monday, 6 May 2002 at 20:58. |
this site is very helpful. thank you. 
lea sta. maria, philippines. This entry was recorded on Monday, 6 May 2002 at 08:46. |
Excellent service
A Green, Canada. This entry was recorded on Sunday, 5 May 2002 at 03:39. |
this is a very useful site, keep up teh good work!
chun, UK. This entry was recorded on Saturday, 4 May 2002 at 23:47. |
Rock on. This site is so much fun
Derek Lawton, UK. This entry was recorded on Friday, 3 May 2002 at 14:16. |
Great Site keep up the good work
Anonymus, Germany. This entry was recorded on Friday, 3 May 2002 at 10:13. |
Its really coooollll !!!!!!
Ahmed Saddik, Egypt. This entry was recorded on Thursday, 2 May 2002 at 11:33. |
A very helpful site !
Anna Marie Sy, Philippines. This entry was recorded on Thursday, 2 May 2002 at 09:40. |
my e mail is
zhenia, us. This entry was recorded on Wednesday, 1 May 2002 at 19:19. |
i'm trying to find my father in russia, st pitersberg and i only know his name, please some one help me to find him, or his phone #.
zhenia, us. This entry was recorded on Wednesday, 1 May 2002 at 19:18. |
SHON , FRANCE. This entry was recorded on Wednesday, 1 May 2002 at 15:20. |
You guys are life savers!
Diana, United States. This entry was recorded on Wednesday, 1 May 2002 at 05:26. |
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