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Country Calling Codes Caller Comments: 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000
CARMEN MATOS, PUERTO RICO. This entry was recorded on Monday, 30 April 2001 at 17:43. |
CARMEN MATOS, USA. This entry was recorded on Monday, 30 April 2001 at 17:37. |
I really appreciate your great service and information which is easy and refreshing to use . KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK !!!
Imran Karim, usa. This entry was recorded on Monday, 30 April 2001 at 07:08. |
Great Tool
Matthew Brinsfield, South Korea. This entry was recorded on Monday, 30 April 2001 at 02:39. |
Los codigos de las ciudades han cambiado, por ejemplo Rosaario era 41 y ahora es 341. Cambiaron todos los codigos de area. Good luck. Bye.
Gustavo, Argentina. This entry was recorded on Saturday, 28 April 2001 at 11:15. |
Who is you search engine great job.
Curt, Anderson. This entry was recorded on Friday, 27 April 2001 at 21:03. |
Brilliant Facility - thank you
Seonaid MacLeod, Scotland. This entry was recorded on Friday, 27 April 2001 at 21:01. |
this is great
tania, US. This entry was recorded on Friday, 27 April 2001 at 13:59. |
Eric Bladzik, USA. This entry was recorded on Friday, 27 April 2001 at 03:12. |
Thank you very much for granting me access to your site. The person that I referred your site to makes quite a few calls to foreign countries.
Joseph L. Poirier, USA. This entry was recorded on Thursday, 26 April 2001 at 15:53. |
A very great and helpful site!
Sarah Liang, USA. This entry was recorded on Thursday, 26 April 2001 at 01:22. |
Thanks for your help.. it saved me time from dialing the wrong numbers!! k
Karola M. Wright, United States. This entry was recorded on Wednesday, 25 April 2001 at 21:15. |
Excellent website! very useful. just a remark: the national codes in Uk have changed recently and yours have not been updated I am afraid!
Florence leroy, UK. This entry was recorded on Wednesday, 25 April 2001 at 10:11. |
Excellent website! very useful. just a remark: the national codes in Uk have changed recently and yours have not bee updated I am afraid!
Florence leroy, UK. This entry was recorded on Wednesday, 25 April 2001 at 10:10. |
Para llamar de Spain a Gibraltar aparece que se tiene que marcar 00 350 numero de abonado. Pero desde Spain solo se tiene que marcar 9567+n Abonado
gabriel Vilchez, Spain. This entry was recorded on Tuesday, 24 April 2001 at 12:04. |
It,s a very interesting information!!Thanks
Natalia Fern·ndez, Spain. This entry was recorded on Tuesday, 24 April 2001 at 11:43. |
very helpful
leonard d. ash, people's republic of china. This entry was recorded on Monday, 23 April 2001 at 13:08. |
quick and helpful, many thanks
weeraya heng, Thailand. This entry was recorded on Monday, 23 April 2001 at 09:25. |
Very useful website. Extremely impressed, informative and definately placed in my bookmark list! Well implemented
Mark Smith, United Kingdom. This entry was recorded on Saturday, 21 April 2001 at 22:51. |
What a great site. So easy to use and so *FAST*!! I am impressed!
Lewis C. K. Emanuel, United States. This entry was recorded on Saturday, 21 April 2001 at 07:43. |
city code has been merged with number, example barcelona 4171540 is now 934171540, does the 9 remain when country code 34 is added ?
josep Minguell, Catalonia,Spain. This entry was recorded on Friday, 20 April 2001 at 19:01. |
pamela joyce buera, Philippines. This entry was recorded on Thursday, 19 April 2001 at 17:07. |
Very Useful
Joe Cole, USA. This entry was recorded on Thursday, 19 April 2001 at 14:43. |
in France you can add St Pierre et Miquelon 508 it's a french overseas sitated in North america beside newfoundland belonging France:-)
Florent, Canada. This entry was recorded on Thursday, 19 April 2001 at 07:40. |
Thanks for this web is really useful.thanks again.
Florent, Canada. This entry was recorded on Thursday, 19 April 2001 at 07:36. |
very good
reynol suarez, usa. This entry was recorded on Thursday, 19 April 2001 at 00:50. |
Plant City
Charles Ware , FL.. This entry was recorded on Wednesday, 18 April 2001 at 20:06. |
Andrea Parker, Beverly hills. This entry was recorded on Wednesday, 18 April 2001 at 19:37. |
Antonio L. GarcĢa, Spain. This entry was recorded on Wednesday, 18 April 2001 at 18:16. |
Is a very good utilitie.
Alfonso Urencio, Tijuana, B.C. Mexico. This entry was recorded on Wednesday, 18 April 2001 at 17:58. |
I think your site is very useful, however please note that the international access code for Cambodia has been changed to '001'.
Mike Gordon, Cambodia. This entry was recorded on Wednesday, 18 April 2001 at 16:08. |
very util
Hotel Ypora, Argentina. This entry was recorded on Wednesday, 18 April 2001 at 11:18. |
Los codigos de area de Venezuela est·n incorrectos(
Luis Cara, Venezuela. This entry was recorded on Wednesday, 18 April 2001 at 10:33. |
Spanish prefixes are wrong (all numbers are 9 digits). Depending of the state, begings with.... Visit
Daniel Perez, Spain. This entry was recorded on Wednesday, 18 April 2001 at 10:14. |
I wolud like to inform you that something is wrong here. Since one year spanish telephone numbers are 9 digits.
Spanish Visitor, Spain. This entry was recorded on Wednesday, 18 April 2001 at 10:10. |
Link to webpage administrator is missing. Phone prefixes in Spain are wrong, they shoud be 34 + number - all numbers include interurban preffix
auster, spain. This entry was recorded on Wednesday, 18 April 2001 at 09:14. |
excellent web page, fast and right to the point!
carlos griell, spain. This entry was recorded on Wednesday, 18 April 2001 at 09:05. |
Superb website!
George Ushindi, South Africa. This entry was recorded on Wednesday, 18 April 2001 at 08:40. |
The information for Sapin no is correct The city includ now the nunmber 9
clodoaldo Casaseca, Spain. This entry was recorded on Wednesday, 18 April 2001 at 08:26. |
Miguel F. B·ez de A. G., Spain. This entry was recorded on Wednesday, 18 April 2001 at 08:05. |
Estan equivocados con respecto a los telefonos de las provincias espaŅolas
Rafael Medina, EspaŅa. This entry was recorded on Wednesday, 18 April 2001 at 07:34. |
Intuitive site - Excellent service!
Iain Wyder, Canada. This entry was recorded on Wednesday, 18 April 2001 at 04:20. |
Good Deal
Trevor Guy, United States. This entry was recorded on Wednesday, 18 April 2001 at 02:01. |
Good Deal
Trevor Guy, United States. This entry was recorded on Wednesday, 18 April 2001 at 01:55. |
excellent service man
Shazi, USA. This entry was recorded on Wednesday, 18 April 2001 at 01:29. |
Felicitaciones !!! la pagina es bien practica
Jose Boza, Peru. This entry was recorded on Wednesday, 18 April 2001 at 01:03. |
I like Country Calling Codes
David M. Daproza, Philippines. This entry was recorded on Wednesday, 18 April 2001 at 00:29. |
great help. thanks
Peggy Morris, USA. This entry was recorded on Tuesday, 17 April 2001 at 23:09. |
caffreyjune, tampa fla33604. This entry was recorded on Tuesday, 17 April 2001 at 22:22. |
amir, iran. This entry was recorded on Tuesday, 17 April 2001 at 20:57. |
Your site is very helpful!!!
Matt Cavanaugh, USA. This entry was recorded on Tuesday, 17 April 2001 at 19:18. |
Your site is very helpful!!!
Matt Cavanaugh, USA. This entry was recorded on Tuesday, 17 April 2001 at 19:18. |
daha guzel site yap bu sitenin sahibini dayaktan gebertirim hee
dinc, turkey. This entry was recorded on Tuesday, 17 April 2001 at 11:45. |
A really useful web site! Congratulations!
Pep, Spain. This entry was recorded on Tuesday, 17 April 2001 at 09:56. |
great help, thanks
Luigi Garcia, Philippines. This entry was recorded on Tuesday, 17 April 2001 at 02:46. |
great help, thanks
Luigi Garcia, Philippines. This entry was recorded on Tuesday, 17 April 2001 at 02:44. |
Laya Labi, Israel. This entry was recorded on Monday, 16 April 2001 at 09:11. |
Ralph Harder, Philippines. This entry was recorded on Monday, 16 April 2001 at 06:47. |
What the hell is going on here?!?!? why is my website on this page? go to it anyway.
KidBleach, UK. This entry was recorded on Sunday, 15 April 2001 at 13:59. |
Wow !!! What a web site. Very helpful indeed.
Samin Bahar, Indonesia. This entry was recorded on Sunday, 15 April 2001 at 07:03. |
handy. but would be more helpful with country map, similar to our usa area code maps.
carl, usa. This entry was recorded on Sunday, 15 April 2001 at 03:55. |
a very good site
fatma yehia, egypt. This entry was recorded on Sunday, 15 April 2001 at 00:26. |
great site,a must for the favorites
t w ho, england . This entry was recorded on Saturday, 14 April 2001 at 15:16. |
RAY WILSON, ENGLAND. This entry was recorded on Saturday, 14 April 2001 at 14:51. |
it's helpful and useful. Thank You
gal shmuel, ISRAL. This entry was recorded on Saturday, 14 April 2001 at 05:17. |
great job guys!!
lupita, united states. This entry was recorded on Saturday, 14 April 2001 at 02:42. |
Great website, thanks for all the help with finding country codes.
Terry C., Taiwan. This entry was recorded on Friday, 13 April 2001 at 23:47. |
Where have you been all this time? Superb Job!!!!
Michael Acfalle, U. S.. This entry was recorded on Friday, 13 April 2001 at 17:57. |
It was nice web site !!!!
Aditya Pratomo, Indonesia. This entry was recorded on Friday, 13 April 2001 at 17:51. |
Great Job.
Rita Garg, USA. This entry was recorded on Friday, 13 April 2001 at 14:24. |
You guys are doing a wonderful job, keep it up.
Nwogo Nweke, USA. This entry was recorded on Friday, 13 April 2001 at 03:45. |
More grease... and gel...!!
Lord Peters, United Kingdom. This entry was recorded on Friday, 13 April 2001 at 02:11. |
This is a great on-line tool, keep it up guys!!!
Buck, USA. This entry was recorded on Wednesday, 11 April 2001 at 15:58. |
Great site. Would like to see more city listings, Ex. Australia, NSW, only city listing is Wollongong!
Jenny Pellegrini, CANADA. This entry was recorded on Wednesday, 11 April 2001 at 15:31. |
Your site is a GOLD MINE thanks
Phyllis , USA. This entry was recorded on Tuesday, 10 April 2001 at 23:20. |
Are there any reverse searches available if I know the code but not the country
Terry Fett, USA. This entry was recorded on Tuesday, 10 April 2001 at 20:06. |
Very nice sight. Are there any reverse searches available if I know the code but not the country
Terry Fett, USA. This entry was recorded on Tuesday, 10 April 2001 at 20:06. |
very excellent
victoria lynch, usa. This entry was recorded on Tuesday, 10 April 2001 at 16:47. |
I can„t find NDCs for mobile operators in countries... Is it possible to download list of CC and NDC in each country?
Zdenek, Czech republic. This entry was recorded on Tuesday, 10 April 2001 at 10:40. |
great site .. but incomplete in south korea .. you dont have the cuty code for chinhae
Triptta Fernandez, United arab emirates. This entry was recorded on Tuesday, 10 April 2001 at 08:47. |
useful site
jimmy, usa. This entry was recorded on Monday, 9 April 2001 at 22:59. |
Don't Know your site yet ???
Robert Zender, USA. This entry was recorded on Sunday, 8 April 2001 at 04:21. |
How about a Palm Downloadable Version?
Bob Hawbaker, USA. This entry was recorded on Saturday, 7 April 2001 at 22:07. |
Jim H, US. This entry was recorded on Saturday, 7 April 2001 at 16:20. |
telephone directory
ahmed mian siddiqui, norway. This entry was recorded on Friday, 6 April 2001 at 08:46. |
just what I needed
bill typher, usa. This entry was recorded on Friday, 6 April 2001 at 06:18. |
Super job guys! Wish I had found you sooner.
William Frost, UK. This entry was recorded on Friday, 6 April 2001 at 03:55. |
arya, france. This entry was recorded on Wednesday, 4 April 2001 at 10:19. |
it's a great help, thanks.
juene , philippines. This entry was recorded on Wednesday, 4 April 2001 at 03:51. |
Great help, thank you!
Lisa Quintana, United States of America. This entry was recorded on Tuesday, 3 April 2001 at 21:06. |
most of it needs to be updated and some of it is plain wrong, sorry to say... but i said it's a great idea... continue
onyx cilpen, jitterburger. This entry was recorded on Tuesday, 3 April 2001 at 18:21. |
hey if ur gonna be an official site at least have the correct data... it's a good idea but most of this stuff is wrong.. (next message)
onyx cilpen, jitterburger. This entry was recorded on Tuesday, 3 April 2001 at 18:20. |
Brian Gaffikin, USA. This entry was recorded on Tuesday, 3 April 2001 at 03:50. |
hoda, kl. This entry was recorded on Monday, 2 April 2001 at 05:10. |
excellent website-- clear presentation, comprehensive, user-friendly-- thanks!
ying, Hong Kong (but living in Spain). This entry was recorded on Sunday, 1 April 2001 at 21:27. |
Hareez, Malaysia. This entry was recorded on Sunday, 1 April 2001 at 15:16. |
Mohd Hareez Maksom, Malaysia. This entry was recorded on Sunday, 1 April 2001 at 15:16. |
You do make life easier!
Lauma Skruzmane, Latvia. This entry was recorded on Sunday, 1 April 2001 at 15:08. |
, . This entry was recorded on Sunday, 1 April 2001 at 11:10. |
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