Thank you for using the Country Calling Codes directory.
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Country Calling Codes Caller Comments: 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000
The area codes you have for north carolina are incorrect....they have changed since you updated this site!!
annonymous, USA. This entry was recorded on Saturday, 30 June 2007 at 22:10. |
Just want to know the code of cellphone before buy it what code should i enter to see the lifesaver of that phone. Thank you so much, God Bless
Rhelie Pulusan, Philippines. This entry was recorded on Saturday, 30 June 2007 at 13:46. |
Your Australian codes are woefully inaccurate
Gavin, Australia. This entry was recorded on Saturday, 30 June 2007 at 03:51. |
Spain Is Diferrent
Francisco, Spain. This entry was recorded on Saturday, 30 June 2007 at 00:22. |
very useful tool. keep it up. happy 4th to everyone
terry, united states. This entry was recorded on Friday, 29 June 2007 at 19:58. |
This is one awesome tool
Rachel, Canada. This entry was recorded on Friday, 29 June 2007 at 16:10. |
it's an wonderful idea ,instead of country codes we can see diffrent time zones.
silky jain, india. This entry was recorded on Thursday, 28 June 2007 at 19:54. |
it has been useful for us.
rajdev, india. This entry was recorded on Thursday, 28 June 2007 at 19:50. |
I have been looking for sites like this for a long time. Thank you!
Mary, USA. This entry was recorded on Thursday, 28 June 2007 at 17:58. |
Nice work.
Nwokeke Cosmas, Gabon. This entry was recorded on Thursday, 28 June 2007 at 17:22. |
Great Tool!
Mark, US. This entry was recorded on Thursday, 28 June 2007 at 16:55. |
Excellent site, added to favorites!!
Mary, Japan. This entry was recorded on Thursday, 28 June 2007 at 16:13. |
BARBARA, UK. This entry was recorded on Thursday, 28 June 2007 at 14:11. |
Fantastic site! very helpful
Sonny Quansah, Australia. This entry was recorded on Thursday, 28 June 2007 at 06:36. |
i like to know who i call to cellular in barranquilla, colombia
carlos guerrero, usa. This entry was recorded on Wednesday, 27 June 2007 at 22:46. |
Great Resource and ease of use!
Dennis Quintana, USA. This entry was recorded on Tuesday, 26 June 2007 at 15:12. |
Sri lanka time shown in your information is 30 minutes SLOWER. Officially Sri Lanka adjusted the time to GMT + 5 hours 30 minutes about 2 yrs ago.
Hubert Thomas, Sri Lanka. This entry was recorded on Tuesday, 26 June 2007 at 07:15. |
Great website with very useful information. Great JOB. Thanks a lot
Rajinder Kumar, USA. This entry was recorded on Monday, 25 June 2007 at 02:30. |
please tell me the country name
dont know the country name, +23 as its country code. This entry was recorded on Sunday, 24 June 2007 at 11:30. |
Thank for making this valuable information available to the public.i
Helga, USA. This entry was recorded on Saturday, 23 June 2007 at 20:18. |
Working for a global company makes this very handy. Thanks!
J. Daniels, USA. This entry was recorded on Friday, 22 June 2007 at 17:56. |
Thanks, works great
Steve, USA. This entry was recorded on Thursday, 21 June 2007 at 13:03. |
very good interface could have been better
svinod, india. This entry was recorded on Thursday, 21 June 2007 at 05:04. |
do the codes work for just homephone or mobile too?
amy, uk. This entry was recorded on Wednesday, 20 June 2007 at 16:47. |
Thank you so much for a great directory
Lisa Roy, Canada. This entry was recorded on Wednesday, 20 June 2007 at 15:41. |
this s a great resource, I use it once a week!
Jessica Taylor, USA. This entry was recorded on Tuesday, 19 June 2007 at 15:59. |
don't know the rest but at least when choosing Spain as destination the information is wrong
Me, Spain. This entry was recorded on Tuesday, 19 June 2007 at 13:33. |
Where is Palestine??
Husni, Palestinian Authority. This entry was recorded on Monday, 18 June 2007 at 11:30. |
This site has been extremely useful to me in my current job. I mostly use the Reverse Lookup zone for finding out the country's name and their time.
Rijaz, United Arab Emirates. This entry was recorded on Monday, 18 June 2007 at 11:28. |
The most wonderful snd helpful site its simply gr8
Varun Kakkar, India. This entry was recorded on Monday, 18 June 2007 at 11:04. |
....United States and have to change it manually to United Kingdom. Thank you very much!
Dominic Dickie, United Kingdom. This entry was recorded on Friday, 15 June 2007 at 12:21. |
Great site/tool. But is there a way you can default it that you start from the United Kingdom instead for having to change it from the start from...
Dominic Dickie, United Kingdom. This entry was recorded on Friday, 15 June 2007 at 12:20. |
Use CountryCallingCodes all the time. However right now your NZ time is an hour off. It is NOT 4pm, it is 3pm... otherwise helpful site, easy to use
Monika Thomas, Alaskan traveling in New Zealand. This entry was recorded on Friday, 15 June 2007 at 03:41. |
Area codes for suburbs of Milwaukee WI have changed to 262 - they are not 414 - this web site is some what outdated. Webmaster, update your webpage!
Dawn, usa. This entry was recorded on Thursday, 14 June 2007 at 20:07. |
very useful
Liezel Eben, United Arab Emirates. This entry was recorded on Thursday, 14 June 2007 at 12:41. |
Very Useful Site! I use it at work on a daily basis!
Jessica Oliveras, Puerto Rico. This entry was recorded on Thursday, 14 June 2007 at 12:27. |
you are number one keep it up
moses, Botswana. This entry was recorded on Wednesday, 13 June 2007 at 18:03. |
your codes are incorrect
Anthony Hutchinson, Barbados. This entry was recorded on Wednesday, 13 June 2007 at 17:36. |
I work at a teleconferencing center. This site is great.
Umeki Staples, United States. This entry was recorded on Wednesday, 13 June 2007 at 12:57. |
it's brilliant!!!
julia, ukraine. This entry was recorded on Wednesday, 13 June 2007 at 03:35. |
I love countries,,,,all countries,,I like countires with gorgeous men in them...thanks for providing me with their calling codes..rock on!
Rick James, The US of AAA. This entry was recorded on Tuesday, 12 June 2007 at 16:49. |
- time for NZ is incorrect by 1 hour (we are on daylights savings)
Rachael, New Zealand. This entry was recorded on Tuesday, 12 June 2007 at 02:07. |
Thank you. I was having such a hard time dialing my friend in Italy and your instructions made it so simple.
Betty J. Thomas, United States. This entry was recorded on Monday, 11 June 2007 at 14:43. |
The time for Egypt is one hour off.
C Johnson, Egypt. This entry was recorded on Monday, 11 June 2007 at 08:15. |
thanks for this great .com
rashid najjar, kuwait. This entry was recorded on Sunday, 10 June 2007 at 15:50. |
Great ste, easy to use. I need to report an error in country code info. You list "670" as Marianas and Saipan, but 670 is actually East Timor.
John Pottinger, Canada. This entry was recorded on Sunday, 10 June 2007 at 06:34. |
mE, SPAIN. This entry was recorded on Saturday, 9 June 2007 at 20:13. |
...yay! country codes!
Alexzan Burton, United States. This entry was recorded on Saturday, 9 June 2007 at 19:18. |
i think it is so great for the people who has a love one left in the other country. This is very useful and eveyone will enjoy it..
rach, philippines. This entry was recorded on Saturday, 9 June 2007 at 07:09. |
Ah, if only I had an international phone plan! I have a friend in Cairo and one in Casablanca, it's a pity I can't use the information you gave me.
Alice Reilly, United States. This entry was recorded on Saturday, 9 June 2007 at 00:39. |
Brilliant - helped solve a few problems!
Susan, France. This entry was recorded on Friday, 8 June 2007 at 05:44. |
The area code for Lawrence KS is 785 not 913. it has not been 913 for over 10 years
TG, USA. This entry was recorded on Thursday, 7 June 2007 at 14:08. |
what is the country code of canada?
joyce buan, canada. This entry was recorded on Thursday, 7 June 2007 at 09:02. |
A great help...thank you!
Carol, USA. This entry was recorded on Tuesday, 5 June 2007 at 19:50. |
I am in the US military and have just began traveling the world and you website has helped me keep in touch with my fnds and family around the world.
JP White, Germany. This entry was recorded on Tuesday, 5 June 2007 at 19:18. |
According to AT&T's website, your city code for Victoria, Australia should be 03.
Wendy Thomas, USA. This entry was recorded on Tuesday, 5 June 2007 at 14:53. |
Brilliant site
Kelly, UK. This entry was recorded on Tuesday, 5 June 2007 at 05:41. |
all codes in US
Natalie, Baxendale. This entry was recorded on Monday, 4 June 2007 at 11:14. |
Your NZ time is an hour fast...!!
Brad, New Zealand. This entry was recorded on Monday, 4 June 2007 at 01:35. |
Excellent really easy to use and saved bags of time
Paul Cooper, Kirkcaldy, Scotland. This entry was recorded on Saturday, 2 June 2007 at 20:41. |
this site saved my time and my money. you are apreciable for making my job easy in some way. thanks lidet
lidet fassil, Ethiopia. This entry was recorded on Saturday, 2 June 2007 at 08:43. |
Just sent the information over to the parents...hope it was right!!!
Lila, Egypt. This entry was recorded on Friday, 1 June 2007 at 18:08. |
Area code for Algeria has changed. Constantine=31
A. Boukheit, Algeria. This entry was recorded on Friday, 1 June 2007 at 15:10. |
Needed help finding an International dialling code and came across your Website - really useful and very user friendly. Terrific.
Val Rutherford, UK. This entry was recorded on Friday, 1 June 2007 at 07:47. |
Cool programme........ helped me out at da right time...... Thank u
Emmanuel, India. This entry was recorded on Friday, 1 June 2007 at 05:45. |
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