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Country Calling Codes Caller Comments: 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000
SPIROS ANTIPAS, GREECE. This entry was recorded on Friday, 30 May 2008 at 21:29. |
Very good tool for online
Jim Morgan, USA. This entry was recorded on Friday, 30 May 2008 at 19:48. |
The area code of Taichung, Taiwan is 4, not 2
Donald Hsing, Taiwan. This entry was recorded on Friday, 30 May 2008 at 09:13. |
I work for a cell phone rental and long distance calling company....This site is so useful !!! Thank you
Yehuda/Jay W, Israel. This entry was recorded on Thursday, 29 May 2008 at 13:04. |
Small query: the dialling code to call WA is 8 not 9. It used to 9 but has since changed.
Jenny B, Australia. This entry was recorded on Wednesday, 28 May 2008 at 05:13. |
very helpful. i come here for all my dialing codes but the code for qatar is 00 not 0 now. it changed. thought ud like to know =D
caroline, qatar. This entry was recorded on Sunday, 25 May 2008 at 21:22. |
I am working for a voip fone company and this site seems to be very useful for us. Thank you
Yogesh, India. This entry was recorded on Sunday, 25 May 2008 at 20:30. |
I work at a call center for intl calling cards and this site is really helpful! congratulations!
Carlos, USA. This entry was recorded on Sunday, 25 May 2008 at 14:38. |
I work for a phone company and every time they call in about info on international dialing i alwayd refer to this sight great job on this.
Ken, US. This entry was recorded on Sunday, 25 May 2008 at 13:50. |
this has being very helpful to me !!
emanuel , Panama. This entry was recorded on Saturday, 24 May 2008 at 23:13. |
Travelled to world and always needed this website!!! Thanks again
Micah Terry, Canada. This entry was recorded on Saturday, 24 May 2008 at 05:24. |
Extremely helpful site...easy to use, well done.
Werner Botha, Canada. This entry was recorded on Wednesday, 21 May 2008 at 22:38. |
this is a very nice site for teelephone users. thanks.
joseph kingsley kwaku, ghana. This entry was recorded on Wednesday, 21 May 2008 at 08:43. |
Thank you for this website! I needed to tell a friend from Thailand how to call me and your website helped me do that! Thank you again!
Samantha Elsebusch, United States. This entry was recorded on Wednesday, 21 May 2008 at 03:07. |
Undoubtedly this is very useful for everyday needs of our life to communicate all around the world
Gazi Jashim, Bangladesh. This entry was recorded on Tuesday, 20 May 2008 at 09:51. |
great site but the way to dial france is 011+33+1 for Paris 2 for Nantes and one is you say for Nantes it's 01133240 this is wrong
TROUILLOT, USA. This entry was recorded on Monday, 19 May 2008 at 18:11. |
Correct code info here !!!
Robert Kelley, USA. This entry was recorded on Monday, 19 May 2008 at 14:34. |
Hello, please note that New Zealand has daylight saving times. The clock turns back an hour during winter. The time is incorrect.
Tracy, New Zealand. This entry was recorded on Monday, 19 May 2008 at 04:19. |
can u pls add montenegro
mik, canada. This entry was recorded on Saturday, 17 May 2008 at 18:46. |
Awesome site will tell a friend.
Ivette , India. This entry was recorded on Saturday, 17 May 2008 at 02:10. |
I love this site. I have been traviling with my kids and my husband is at home. I lve this site because it is VERY easy to use. I LOVE this site!!!
A Person Who loves this site, England. This entry was recorded on Thursday, 15 May 2008 at 23:09. |
thank you
connie, mexico. This entry was recorded on Thursday, 15 May 2008 at 13:24. |
The code you have for Tallahassee is WRONG! I live in the 850 area code not 904. That was changed many years ago.
Colleen L. Muscha, Tallahassee, FL USA. This entry was recorded on Wednesday, 14 May 2008 at 23:17. |
indeed very helpful..... keep it up! (sorry for wrong spelling earlier)
Tahir again! lol, Pakistan. This entry was recorded on Wednesday, 14 May 2008 at 16:33. |
indeed very helful...keep it up!
Tahir, Pakistan. This entry was recorded on Wednesday, 14 May 2008 at 16:31. |
the 1196 country
fethi, libya. This entry was recorded on Tuesday, 13 May 2008 at 11:11. |
The time listed for New Zealand is wrong by 30 minutes.
Robert Christie, New Zealand. This entry was recorded on Monday, 12 May 2008 at 21:45. |
Your state code for Lawton, OK is incorrect. The area code is 580.
Donna, USA. This entry was recorded on Monday, 12 May 2008 at 17:05. |
ty, some on from "45" denmark called a m8 of mine lol!
mr oggle pants, uk. This entry was recorded on Monday, 12 May 2008 at 14:49. |
in the USA there are no city codes... they are called Area Codes.
David, USA. This entry was recorded on Monday, 12 May 2008 at 04:44. |
A Great Website. Always turns in handy
Gokul, India. This entry was recorded on Sunday, 11 May 2008 at 22:53. |
You should add "Falkirk" to the city section for phoning UK. The number for it is 01324 :]
Friend, Scotland. This entry was recorded on Saturday, 10 May 2008 at 21:37. |
Please Add Int'l Country Calling Codes to Mobile/Cell Tel#'s
Julia C. Sandoval, USA. This entry was recorded on Friday, 9 May 2008 at 18:55. |
What a fab site, thankyou for making it easy for me to call my mum and dad in Canada!!
Paula Cooper, United Kingdom. This entry was recorded on Friday, 9 May 2008 at 06:58. |
In revers lookup also its better to have City wise search...Suppose i know country code 63 and area code 455..It has to give name of those..
Sreedhar Gurram (Cognizant), India. This entry was recorded on Thursday, 8 May 2008 at 08:00. |
what's is the code for Mexico, Queretaro?
mary, us. This entry was recorded on Wednesday, 7 May 2008 at 18:36. |
this was so helpful thank you yellow book
kyle platt, USA. This entry was recorded on Wednesday, 7 May 2008 at 12:20. |
I found this link to be very informative in my training session,and it gave me the oppurtunity to learn codes and time zones to places I want to visit
Tanisha Brown, United States of America. This entry was recorded on Wednesday, 7 May 2008 at 00:54. |
Sooo helpful! Couldn't have called home without it!
Allie, USA. This entry was recorded on Wednesday, 7 May 2008 at 00:30. |
Great website!
Evan, USA. This entry was recorded on Tuesday, 6 May 2008 at 22:24. |
Great Site!
Diana Davis, USA. This entry was recorded on Tuesday, 6 May 2008 at 20:36. |
great site!
William R Young, U.S.A. This entry was recorded on Tuesday, 6 May 2008 at 19:58. |
FYI - The city code for Fresno is incorrect. It was changed to 559 a couple of years ago.
Gayle, USA. This entry was recorded on Tuesday, 6 May 2008 at 16:25. |
ruth, kenya. This entry was recorded on Tuesday, 6 May 2008 at 15:15. |
great site invaluable for helping locate dialling codes.No high expensive directory enquiries thank you
Nita Tripp, UK. This entry was recorded on Monday, 5 May 2008 at 13:30. |
nice tools
tim roelofs, united states of america. This entry was recorded on Sunday, 4 May 2008 at 18:40. |
Lindsey, USA. This entry was recorded on Friday, 2 May 2008 at 19:30. |
need directions on how to dial numbers from foreign countries
james thomas, USA. This entry was recorded on Friday, 2 May 2008 at 14:15. |
HI ,This web page is really helpful . it is very user friendly . I reffered this page to all my friens
PACKIYARAJ.D, INDIA. This entry was recorded on Friday, 2 May 2008 at 12:54. |
STEPHANY, USA. This entry was recorded on Thursday, 1 May 2008 at 04:43. |
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