Thank you for using the Country Calling Codes directory.
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Country Calling Codes Caller Comments: 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000
a very good service, thank you
flieswasser, israel. This entry was recorded on Thursday, 31 March 2005 at 20:21. |
Very useful site
Ajish Punnackal , India . This entry was recorded on Thursday, 31 March 2005 at 18:42. |
what an informative site my friend cooper price stone referred me to the site
rhonda, wales. This entry was recorded on Thursday, 31 March 2005 at 12:20. |
This site cannot keep up with BST. Its an hour behind what it says is UK time !!??
Graham Hazel, UK. This entry was recorded on Thursday, 31 March 2005 at 07:55. |
a good idea
raquel harms, aruba. This entry was recorded on Thursday, 31 March 2005 at 06:23. |
Thanks so much. I was able to look up the country code and area code quickly and easily.
Tina, USA. This entry was recorded on Wednesday, 30 March 2005 at 19:37. |
Very good and enjoy
Lizzy, Nigeria. This entry was recorded on Wednesday, 30 March 2005 at 19:07. |
The website is really cool.Its fast and feasible.Thank you for your effort to set it up
Kirti Penmetsa, United States. This entry was recorded on Wednesday, 30 March 2005 at 18:30. |
this site is very usefull and user friendly.. i am very satisfied from this. i offen make international business calls and this site helps me a lot.
ASIM AZEEM, INDIA. This entry was recorded on Wednesday, 30 March 2005 at 15:51. |
razi, pakistan. This entry was recorded on Wednesday, 30 March 2005 at 06:39. |
Nice website
Rafeh, America. This entry was recorded on Wednesday, 30 March 2005 at 03:48. |
Great site but more city codes would be great (i.e. select US, then state, then city, mine wasn't listed). Also time for the UK is wrong!
Jennifer Shepherd, UK. This entry was recorded on Tuesday, 29 March 2005 at 17:02. |
Your times are currently incorrect for Belgium (and probably the rest of Europe). They moved to (CEST) Central European Summer Time last weekend.
DKM, USA. This entry was recorded on Tuesday, 29 March 2005 at 14:47. |
very interesting , I `love this
Milly Ramirez, Dominican Republic. This entry was recorded on Tuesday, 29 March 2005 at 12:48. |
Brilliant Service, so easy to navigate the site and get exactly what i wanted instantly
Sasha, UK. This entry was recorded on Monday, 28 March 2005 at 15:42. |
payam ahmadi, iran. This entry was recorded on Monday, 28 March 2005 at 11:36. |
Marvellous!!! A very useful website. Thank you very much
Zainal Abidin, Malaysia. This entry was recorded on Monday, 28 March 2005 at 08:56. |
great site, uk. This entry was recorded on Sunday, 27 March 2005 at 18:45. |
Inaccurate info stored at this page. American Samoa for instance is part of the nanpa area code system.
Me, US/American Samoa. This entry was recorded on Sunday, 27 March 2005 at 18:41. |
I will be glad to be a part of this site
Shardendu K Singh, USA. This entry was recorded on Sunday, 27 March 2005 at 18:07. |
i love this is cool and nice keep it up.
solomon ekhaiyemhe, nigeria. This entry was recorded on Sunday, 27 March 2005 at 11:22. |
great service, thanks
Hans, Australia. This entry was recorded on Sunday, 27 March 2005 at 06:36. |
Have not used the site yet, but the concept is great. I call hotels that may list dialing instructions from within the country.
Leroy Frazier, United States. This entry was recorded on Saturday, 26 March 2005 at 16:58. |
I like this site it is really useful to me.
gem , usa. This entry was recorded on Saturday, 26 March 2005 at 15:57. |
not bad like it
caroline , uk. This entry was recorded on Saturday, 26 March 2005 at 15:33. |
FYI: You are missing the 920 code for WI, USA
Lestat, USA. This entry was recorded on Saturday, 26 March 2005 at 13:29. |
Amazing resource. So happy I found it.
Austin Considine, U.S.. This entry was recorded on Friday, 25 March 2005 at 16:55. |
Allan N. Hamada, USA. This entry was recorded on Friday, 25 March 2005 at 16:10. |
jose manoel floriano dias, almada-portugal. This entry was recorded on Friday, 25 March 2005 at 11:02. |
excellant!! its a nice service which we all really appreciate! saves people a lot of time as well! keep up the good stuff!
Ali aka Zombie, Maldives. This entry was recorded on Friday, 25 March 2005 at 08:01. |
Now Sri lanka changed thire regional codes you shave to update your data-base
sudesh, Sri lanka. This entry was recorded on Friday, 25 March 2005 at 01:19. |
This sight sucks, it didnt help me at all!
SOPHIA, USA. This entry was recorded on Friday, 25 March 2005 at 00:47. |
Thanks for the info :-)
Lionel , Malaysia . This entry was recorded on Thursday, 24 March 2005 at 02:59. |
CHICHITO PLESS, GUATEMALA. This entry was recorded on Thursday, 24 March 2005 at 01:24. |
What a Great Help
Elizabeth Jimenez , United States . This entry was recorded on Wednesday, 23 March 2005 at 23:45. |
great, but no country names for codes 21 and 70!! pity!!
Zozi, Serbia & Montenegro. This entry was recorded on Wednesday, 23 March 2005 at 15:56. |
Very helpful site! You Rock! Thank You!
John Thomason, USA. This entry was recorded on Wednesday, 23 March 2005 at 12:33. |
Wow what an amazing site. This is just what I need. Why didn't someone think of BusinessFinderGlobal sooner. Everything everyone needs on one site.
julian, united kingdom. This entry was recorded on Tuesday, 22 March 2005 at 20:11. |
Nice Page very useful!!
Brendaliz Roldan, Puerto Rico. This entry was recorded on Tuesday, 22 March 2005 at 16:38. |
This web site has helped me on numerous occasions when calling internationally.
Jim Fairways, US. This entry was recorded on Monday, 21 March 2005 at 21:59. |
love the phone and ver user friendly !!!!!
heather, canada. This entry was recorded on Monday, 21 March 2005 at 12:35. |
A Great Reference Tool!
Jeff Wooddell, USA. This entry was recorded on Sunday, 20 March 2005 at 17:56. |
Excellent easy to use site.
Gill Woolliss, UK. This entry was recorded on Sunday, 20 March 2005 at 13:26. |
you have very wonderful site thank you alot
Nasser, Iran. This entry was recorded on Saturday, 19 March 2005 at 10:01. |
your amazing
Anna P, France. This entry was recorded on Friday, 18 March 2005 at 22:07. |
thanks help alot
heather berry, usa. This entry was recorded on Friday, 18 March 2005 at 17:47. |
this site is fast, efficient and great!
benjamin cortes, philippines. This entry was recorded on Friday, 18 March 2005 at 06:52. |
answer your own phonep o;
matthew maloney, france. This entry was recorded on Friday, 18 March 2005 at 04:20. |
france answer your phone!
matthew maloney, united states. This entry was recorded on Friday, 18 March 2005 at 04:17. |
you need to update the area codes (city code) for indiana they have changed alot
amanda stiner, usa. This entry was recorded on Friday, 18 March 2005 at 01:04. |
Born and Raised in Sunny Southern California!!!!!!
JeaNiNe BaLLi, USA babY!. This entry was recorded on Thursday, 17 March 2005 at 18:48. |
what does the asterick mean???
TK, united states. This entry was recorded on Thursday, 17 March 2005 at 17:41. |
While browsing through Internet your site took my attention. I liked it as it’s having good presentation & content.
rashmi, united states. This entry was recorded on Thursday, 17 March 2005 at 07:55. |
GREAT SITE .. i got free long distance here cell phone free
Jason, USA. This entry was recorded on Thursday, 17 March 2005 at 05:18. |
Just bookmarked this site. Very useful I wan to know mobile no and landline of all countries
Kunal Miglani, India. This entry was recorded on Wednesday, 16 March 2005 at 14:42. |
Very useful
Nuala Dalton, Uganda. This entry was recorded on Wednesday, 16 March 2005 at 10:31. |
Great site, really useful.
Gary, UK. This entry was recorded on Wednesday, 16 March 2005 at 09:29. |
Thanks v.v.much about these services on this site;;;
Rasha, Jordan. This entry was recorded on Wednesday, 16 March 2005 at 07:31. |
user friendly
jaime c vazquez, spain. This entry was recorded on Wednesday, 16 March 2005 at 04:07. |
i love ur site
hassan, egypt. This entry was recorded on Tuesday, 15 March 2005 at 22:08. |
helpful site
Fawzia, Egypt. This entry was recorded on Tuesday, 15 March 2005 at 16:21. |
good idea
heather, canada. This entry was recorded on Tuesday, 15 March 2005 at 05:06. |
I don't see Iridium Satelite listed Country Code 8816
Jim Stack, Iridium. This entry was recorded on Tuesday, 15 March 2005 at 01:34. |
This web site helped me so much thank you
Karri Anderson, United States Of America. This entry was recorded on Tuesday, 15 March 2005 at 01:23. |
Fabulous tool. Very easy to use.
Wm Fawcett, Bermuda. This entry was recorded on Monday, 14 March 2005 at 22:32. |
Its a cool tool for my job, congrats!!
Juan Nunez, Mexico. This entry was recorded on Monday, 14 March 2005 at 17:20. |
Great Site
Mark Pimento, Oman. This entry was recorded on Monday, 14 March 2005 at 12:04. |
Great site and very informative! I'm looking forward to using it more and telling my friends about it. Thank You!
Debra Dixon, USA. This entry was recorded on Sunday, 13 March 2005 at 20:32. |
p, pakistan. This entry was recorded on Saturday, 12 March 2005 at 21:29. |
City Codes for Fresno, California need to be updated. It is no longer just 209 but has expanded to 559 as well.
J. Keller, USA. This entry was recorded on Saturday, 12 March 2005 at 20:12. |
great -easy to use thanks
steve, wales. This entry was recorded on Friday, 11 March 2005 at 20:45. |
This is a very helpful tool with us being on the internet so much more than the telephone.
Betty Westbrook, United States. This entry was recorded on Friday, 11 March 2005 at 20:21. |
This is a very useful website
Tools Plus Inc, United States. This entry was recorded on Friday, 11 March 2005 at 16:12. |
I work for a major telecom company and use this site all the time. Great stuff.
Phil Joseph, UK. This entry was recorded on Friday, 11 March 2005 at 09:32. |
your site is really good
praveen, india . This entry was recorded on Thursday, 10 March 2005 at 20:04. |
Great Site, I do recomend it !
Miguel del Rio, Canada. This entry was recorded on Thursday, 10 March 2005 at 15:52. |
Thank you so much for the info, wonderful
Michelle Conrow, United States. This entry was recorded on Thursday, 10 March 2005 at 13:41. |
You need to add area code 321 to the Orlando Florida listing as there are two dialing codes for Orlando.
Sam, USA . This entry was recorded on Thursday, 10 March 2005 at 13:14. |
its a amzaing site, which provides amazing information.
kk sharma, india. This entry was recorded on Thursday, 10 March 2005 at 09:36. |
RANAZAHID, PAKISTAN. This entry was recorded on Thursday, 10 March 2005 at 05:08. |
This is a wonderful site, well done.
Curtis Peterson, Canada. This entry was recorded on Thursday, 10 March 2005 at 03:38. |
HOHA This entry was recorded on Thursday, 10 March 2005 at 02:51. |
Excellent website. Very helpful. Thanks
Yusliza, Malaysia. This entry was recorded on Thursday, 10 March 2005 at 01:04. |
sakthi, india. This entry was recorded on Wednesday, 9 March 2005 at 22:55. |
Charles Wolff, usa. This entry was recorded on Wednesday, 9 March 2005 at 19:47. |
United states
sakthivel, india. This entry was recorded on Wednesday, 9 March 2005 at 18:13. |
H, USA. This entry was recorded on Tuesday, 8 March 2005 at 21:07. |
Awesome and very informative web site!!!!!
Theresa, United States. This entry was recorded on Tuesday, 8 March 2005 at 17:59. |
oh god is good
mugu, nigeria. This entry was recorded on Tuesday, 8 March 2005 at 16:08. |
This website is great!
Lloyd Hotchkiss, EnThis was an awesome way to find out Country Codes, Timzones etc and it was FUN!!!
Brooke Anderson, Australia. This entry was recorded on Tuesday, 8 March 2005 at 09:16. |
VERY user friendly b/c I work for a wireless provider in a call center. you'reare missing some countries that ****
Jill, U.S.A.. This entry was recorded on Tuesday, 8 March 2005 at 04:51. |
how i can call to my friend? She lives in the U.S Brooklyn N.Y ... what code should i write?
, U.S.A. This entry was recorded on Monday, 7 March 2005 at 18:52. |
Great! Absolutly Great!!!!
Lign=Center>Thanks it is very helpful site
Parag Narayan Madankar, india. This entry was recorded on Monday, 7 March 2005 at 09:46. |
ring ring! ring ring! I'll get it.
john, code 1. This entry was recorded on Monday, 7 March 2005 at 00:42. |
this is so cool
mulenga, zambia. This entry was recorded on Sunday, 6 March 2005 at 19:12. |
You do not have Country calling code for East Timor, "67"
Durvalina, East Timor. This entry was recorded on Sunday, 6 March 2005 at 15:35. |
MRS.UKAMAKA CHUMA, NIGERIA. This entry was recorded on Sunday, 6 March 2005 at 14:55. |
this is great love it
sue b, canada. This entry was recorded on Saturday, 5 March 2005 at 23:25. |
please note that for calling Aruba you must place 5 in front of 8 (0029758)
Mercedes, United Kingdom. This entry was recorded on Saturday, 5 Mar8080>This entry was recorded on Saturday, 5 March 2005 at 17:00. |
Peace to the World
YEDENA, USA. This entry was recorded on Saturday, 5 March 2005 at 16:30. |
You guys are awesome. Just awesome.
Matt Johnson, Australia. This entry was recorded on Saturday, 5 March 2005 at 02:33.
Thanks for your great site! Keep going!
Johny, USA. This entry was recorded on Friday, 4 March 2005 at 22:02. |
very easy to use
Susan, USA. Thiorded on Friday, 4 March 2005 at 17:55. |
Great site
HOHA This entry was recorded on Friday, 4 March 2005 at 14:45. |
SHAWNA MCCURDY, CANADA This entry was recorded on Friday, 4 March 2005 at 12:02. |
I think this i good and usefull.
Benjamin Fox, The Bahamas. This entry was recorded on Friday, 4 March 2005 at 00:06. |
I like your site! Thanks for it!
Donovan Berrymore, USA. This entry was recorded on Thursday, 3 March 2005 at 21:56. |
The city codes for Venezuela are no updated. All city codes shoul be 3 digits
Simon Sanchez, USA. This entry was recorded on Thursday, 3 March 2005 at 21:02. |
idan, israel. This entry was recorded on Thursday, 3 March 2005 at 15:38. |
Great service!!!! Thank you! you are the best!
Evgenia Eliseeva, USA. This entry was recorded on Thursday, 3 March 2005 at 15:30. |
international code
Just wanted to say this site is very helpful but to call Jamaica from Canada you do not need to dial 011+ the area code all u need to dial is 1areacod
Kendra, Canada. This entry was recorded on Thursday, 3 March 2005 at 03:24. |
the area code for Green Bay, Wi. is not 414 that was the old area code which was changed to 920 a number of years ago
Jeff Process, USA. This entry was recorded on Wednesday, 2 March 2005 at 17:19. |
Your South Australian times don not take daylight saving into account - you are an hour slow until 26th March - you'll then be correct till Oct 30th
Mick Braham, DECS. This entry was recorded on Wednesday, 2 March 2005 at 05:21. |
fahima, afghanistan. This entry was recorded on Wednesday, 2 March 2005 at 04:43. |
Excellent service thank you
Caroline Smyth, Northern Ireland. This entry was recorded on Tuesday, 1 March 2005 at 21:18. |
Much help!! Thanks a lot 
Chavakorn Kupakanchana, Thailand. This entry was recorded on Tuesday, 1 March 2005 at 09:23. |
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