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Country Calling Codes Caller Comments: 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000
Very very useful!
Rita F de V Caeiro, Portugal. This entry was recorded on Friday, 28 March 2003 at 13:52. |
great site!!!
Darcy, USA. This entry was recorded on Friday, 28 March 2003 at 03:04. |
This is the best information site I have found so far through out the whole Internet access Svc.
Judith E. Maldonado, USA. This entry was recorded on Thursday, 27 March 2003 at 17:09. |
error: Rochester, NY (USA) has a new area code as of November 2002. It is now: 585.
Bill Blum, USA. This entry was recorded on Thursday, 27 March 2003 at 00:57. |
great info
Warren G Blackburn, CANADA. This entry was recorded on Wednesday, 26 March 2003 at 23:26. |
thanx a ton
sami, usa. This entry was recorded on Wednesday, 26 March 2003 at 20:20. |
The area country codes are not updated at all. I call internationally everyday and it is a pain. Very bad!
Violeta, USA. This entry was recorded on Wednesday, 26 March 2003 at 16:56. |
The area country codes anre not updated at all. I call internationally everyday and is a pain. Very bad!
Violeta, USA. This entry was recorded on Wednesday, 26 March 2003 at 16:54. |
Great site!
Paul, USA. This entry was recorded on Wednesday, 26 March 2003 at 16:24. |
Reading City code is 118 and not 1734. This changed about 4 years ago!
Emma, UK. This entry was recorded on Wednesday, 26 March 2003 at 13:34. |
I´d like to support your homepage.It´s a very good&especially fast service!But you could also offer a list with all the country calling codes on it!
Lena Peter, Germany. This entry was recorded on Tuesday, 25 March 2003 at 21:22. |
very nice site.. this helps me out sometimes when i need to know area or country codes... props to the ppf who run this place
Wesley, Netherlands. This entry was recorded on Tuesday, 25 March 2003 at 19:05. |
great help
Danny, USA. This entry was recorded on Tuesday, 25 March 2003 at 02:12. |
YOu are the best
Stephan, UK. This entry was recorded on Sunday, 23 March 2003 at 23:00. |
Amanda, USA. This entry was recorded on Sunday, 23 March 2003 at 20:27. |
We want to make calls from your web in Pakistan.Please send me detail information regarding purchase and use of your Prepaid cards in Pakistan.
Riaz Ahmed Hijazi, Pakistan,myemail: :"". This entry was recorded on Sunday, 23 March 2003 at 17:30. |
Time to upgrade your NC area codes... Other than that, GREAT site.
Jared, US. This entry was recorded on Sunday, 23 March 2003 at 11:59. |
Its a trumendous site, it sloved alot of my problems
Muhammad Yousuf Yousufi, Afghanistan. This entry was recorded on Sunday, 23 March 2003 at 09:44. |
it was really helpfull
fahim, uk. This entry was recorded on Sunday, 23 March 2003 at 02:00. |
Great page, thank you for making our lives better!!!!
Victor J Martinez, Mexico. This entry was recorded on Saturday, 22 March 2003 at 06:38. |
I like it
David Foerster, Orange. This entry was recorded on Friday, 21 March 2003 at 17:52. |
thanks so much for your helpful online direct assistance
lesa canady, united states. This entry was recorded on Friday, 21 March 2003 at 15:37. |
This is a fantastic Website, very, very useful - thank you!!!
Annette, U.S.A.. This entry was recorded on Wednesday, 19 March 2003 at 19:08. |
This is the BEST website made to obatin this info!!
Krystal Ayala, USA all the way!. This entry was recorded on Wednesday, 19 March 2003 at 15:46. |
kod, Russiya. This entry was recorded on Wednesday, 19 March 2003 at 12:23. |
amin, egypt. This entry was recorded on Wednesday, 19 March 2003 at 12:23. |
I Like your site!!Please visit my home page
Phil Smith, Australia. This entry was recorded on Wednesday, 19 March 2003 at 11:01. |
Wonderful, great, exceptional website
Sonia Cruz, USA. This entry was recorded on Tuesday, 18 March 2003 at 21:05. |
Great Site! Easy to use . . . Thanks:
Mms. James B. Levzow, USA. This entry was recorded on Tuesday, 18 March 2003 at 12:58. |
my most used bookmark :-)
Brian S, USA. This entry was recorded on Tuesday, 18 March 2003 at 05:17. |
You don't list how to call a mobile phone overseas.
P. Noone, USA. This entry was recorded on Monday, 17 March 2003 at 22:30. |
Great Site, keep going
Josh, Puerto Rico. This entry was recorded on Monday, 17 March 2003 at 18:55. |
it is missing the city code for "Terni" in Italy
Michele , UK. This entry was recorded on Monday, 17 March 2003 at 10:40. |
it is missing the city code for "Terni" in Italy
Michele, UK. This entry was recorded on Monday, 17 March 2003 at 10:39. |
It is a fantastic source very usefu for my job.
Michele, UK. This entry was recorded on Monday, 17 March 2003 at 10:38. |
qw, qw. This entry was recorded on Monday, 17 March 2003 at 09:24. |
Slammin' Good Phone Talkin'
Ana, BC,Canada. This entry was recorded on Sunday, 16 March 2003 at 07:05. |
Thanx for making this easy!!! 
Steff, Canada. This entry was recorded on Sunday, 16 March 2003 at 07:04. |
Excellent site
Arun L G, India. This entry was recorded on Saturday, 15 March 2003 at 21:43. |
Your database of country codes are dam good, its better to keep all the codes in a file and viewers can download it. Thank u.
Mohammed Abdul Mubeen, India. This entry was recorded on Saturday, 15 March 2003 at 09:19. |
BILAL TAHIR, PAKISTAN. This entry was recorded on Friday, 14 March 2003 at 16:26. |
BILAL, PAKISTAN. This entry was recorded on Friday, 14 March 2003 at 16:21. |
You need to change the codes of Tajikistan. Now code of Tajikistan 992+ cities, for example, Dushanbe-372...
Ravshan, Tajikistan. This entry was recorded on Wednesday, 12 March 2003 at 18:18. |
Your area codes for WISCONSIN are incorrect, Green Bay is 920
kurt jansen, USA. This entry was recorded on Wednesday, 12 March 2003 at 15:12. |
great!! awesome!!
irina, usa, russia. This entry was recorded on Wednesday, 12 March 2003 at 04:57. |
very good site
Cadenna Peavy, united states. This entry was recorded on Monday, 10 March 2003 at 21:06. |
I just wanted to add a code that I noticed was not in your system. Country is Kazakstan; city - Astana, and the code is 011-7-3172.Thanks!
RS, USA. This entry was recorded on Monday, 10 March 2003 at 20:19. |
I need an area code for South Africa how can I get it?P.S. I do not have an e-mail address.
Tigeress, The good ol' United States of America. This entry was recorded on Monday, 10 March 2003 at 17:55. |
Thanks for the useful website. Great work!
Benny Rietveld, United States. This entry was recorded on Monday, 10 March 2003 at 15:29. |
Overall...Great Site! it would be great if there was a time information for every place or at least the time zone. AlsoFYI..chicago is in the list 
Belle, Food Inspector, Belgium. This entry was recorded on Monday, 10 March 2003 at 10:19. |
Nice work. Makes my day easier.
Pete Randall, USA. This entry was recorded on Monday, 10 March 2003 at 08:15. |
Very good
Dil, Sri Lanka. This entry was recorded on Monday, 10 March 2003 at 04:02. |
very informative
shesha kiran, india. This entry was recorded on Sunday, 9 March 2003 at 13:00. |
This site is nothing else but awesome. Way to go!!!
Duke Peterson, United States. This entry was recorded on Saturday, 8 March 2003 at 23:36. |
This is the best evr site which I found on net for information regarding international calls.
IMRAN ALI, PAKISTAN. This entry was recorded on Saturday, 8 March 2003 at 18:26. |
you do not have Gardner, MA, in the USA tel codes? when phoning from United kingdom
l.lockhart, UK. This entry was recorded on Saturday, 8 March 2003 at 12:06. |
thanks for your very clear info
nancy, USA. This entry was recorded on Friday, 7 March 2003 at 18:14. |
Great Site!! Very useful...!! Keep up the good work. =)
Sam Siv, Spain. This entry was recorded on Friday, 7 March 2003 at 11:52. |
This site is very useful information.
Tony Seth, Cambodia. This entry was recorded on Thursday, 6 March 2003 at 21:24. |
dana brinton, canada. This entry was recorded on Thursday, 6 March 2003 at 18:16. |
You need to update your lists!!! The area code for Lawton OK changed a few years ago. It is now 580
Lisa, USA. This entry was recorded on Thursday, 6 March 2003 at 15:42. |
Great site! please visit mine @ click to visit
John Robert, United States. This entry was recorded on Wednesday, 5 March 2003 at 23:30. |
Great resource for me since I call internationally all day. You should add a world time zone chart.
David Platte -, USA. This entry was recorded on Wednesday, 5 March 2003 at 14:16. |
Thanks... very helpful!
Steve M, Germany. This entry was recorded on Wednesday, 5 March 2003 at 12:40. |
it is very helpful . really works
sachin, india. This entry was recorded on Wednesday, 5 March 2003 at 09:04. |
This site is very useful , i really like your site ,but i would like to get the code number of chicago & i did not find in your site
Dania, United Arab Emirates. This entry was recorded on Tuesday, 4 March 2003 at 20:11. |
It's a great site.. I'm always using it..
Murat Okta, Turkey. This entry was recorded on Tuesday, 4 March 2003 at 13:51. |
Thanks, this is better then the local phone company web site.
Pete Araiza, USA. This entry was recorded on Monday, 3 March 2003 at 01:59. |
Great work done here,keep it up
Buchi Murphy, Nigeria. This entry was recorded on Sunday, 2 March 2003 at 18:08. |
It helped me alot, i needed it for my Maths homework, thanks
Ramya Velalagan, New Zealand. This entry was recorded on Sunday, 2 March 2003 at 04:35. |
very helpful site
Miroslav, Serbia. This entry was recorded on Sunday, 2 March 2003 at 01:40. |
This site is great super simple to use and I've shared it will all my co workers! Keep up the great work
Lindsey, USA. This entry was recorded on Saturday, 1 March 2003 at 15:25. |
very handy site - thank you!
L Deighton, England. This entry was recorded on Saturday, 1 March 2003 at 11:20. |
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