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Africa ISO Code, Continent Code, & ccTLDs

Africa ISO-3166 code provides you with the Africa ISO code and continent code, plus a complete list of all African countries with their ISO country codes (ISO-3166), including the South Africa ISO code and the Egypt ISO code, and ccTLDs (country code top level domain).

Africa (change continent)

The continent code for Africa is AF. Please use the follow table to identify the countries in Africa, as well as the country ISO codes and ccTLDs.

Country / Territory ISO-3166-2
(2 Letter Country Code)
(3 Letter Country Code)
(Country Domain Extension)
Algeria DZ DZA .dz
Angola AO AGO .ao
Ascension SH SHN .sh
Benin BJ BEN .bj
Botswana BW BWA .bw
Burkina Faso BF BFA .bf
Burundi BI BDI .bi
Cameroon CM CMR .cm
Cape Verde Islands CV CPV .cv
Central African Republic CF CAF .cf
Chad Republic TD TCD .td
Comoros KM COM .km
Congo CG COG .cg
Dem. Republic of the Congo CD COD .cd
Djibouti DJ DJI .dj
Egypt EG EGY .eg
Equatorial Guinea GQ GNQ .gq
Eritrea ER ERI .er
eSwatini SZ SWZ .sz
Ethiopia ET ETH .et
Gabon Republic GA GAB .ga
Gambia GM GMB .gm
Ghana GH GHA .gh
Guinea GN GIN .gn
Guinea-Bissau GW GNB .gw
Ivory Coast CI CIV .ci
Kenya KE KEN .ke
Lesotho LS LSO .ls
Liberia LR LBR .lr
Libya LY LBY .ly
Madagascar MG MDG .mg
Malawi MW MWI .mw
Mali Republic ML MLI .ml
Mauritania MR MRT .mr
Mauritius MU MUS .mu
Mayotte Island YT MYT .yt
Morocco MA MAR .ma
Mozambique MZ MOZ .mz
Namibia NA NAM .na
Niger Republic NE NER .ne
Nigeria NG NGA .ng
Principe ST STP .st
Reunion Island RE REU .re
Rwanda RW RWA .rw
Sao Tome ST STP .st
Senegal Republic SN SEN .sn
Seychelles SC SYC .sc
Sierra Leone SL SLE .sl
Somalia Republic SO SOM .so
South Africa ZA ZAF .za
South Sudan SS SSD .ss
St. Helena SH SHN .sh
Sudan SD SDN .sd
Swaziland SZ SWZ .sz
Tanzania TZ TZA .tz
Togo TG TGO .tg
Tunisia TN TUN .tn
Uganda UG UGA .ug
Zaire CD COD .cd
Zambia ZM ZMB .zm
Zanzibar TZ TZA .tz
Zimbabwe ZW ZWE .zw


We hope that this has helped you to find the ISO 3166 code for all African countries, along with the African continent code, and ccTLDs. Why not bookmark this site and tell a friend how they too can easily find country ISO codes, continent codes, and ccTLDs at!

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